Saturday, July 9, 2011

diving in

Writing has never been my forte...Just ask Mrs. Loungo my writing tutor in middle school. I often wonder in this day and age, I myself would have been diagnosed with a learning disability. My mother, a former teacher, used all the techniques and tricks to get me back on track...hated her for it then, but appreciate it now. Maybe that is why I gravitated to working with kids with learning disabilities. I cannot imagine doing any other job. Each day is a new and wonderful adventure.

Yet here I sit taking on a new challenge of writing about travels in learning.

I am not an adventurer nor leader by nature, yet I find myself in a place where I need to push beyond that and venture out.

A few years ago, I was given the position of technology coordinator at my school...a position that began as the person in charge of introducing more technology to the students. Simple enough as we are a skill based program and my job was to build technology skills. Yet, as with the nature of technology, skills required to go into the world have been rapidly changing. It is not just about word processing and web researching; it is about navigating this ever developing world of social networking, engaging with new forms of technology, and utilizing new ways to create and share information. So this position of basics, led me to realize I had to understand more. Thus the adventure begins.

I dip my foot into the pool of what more is out there to learn and I find it is an Olympic size pool! A trip to the last TRLD conference in San Francisco in 2009, opened my eyes to that greater possibilities out there. I had so much ground to cover.

So I took on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and just the whole nature of information sharing that is out there. I quickly saw possibilities, although daunted by how much I have to learn. Developing my PLN and reconnecting with old friends, while making new ones, all became a new world. Luckily in the time consuming nature of this, I have a husband who is just as geeky as I am and who supports my adventures with vigor and love.

I seek to know more about learning and technology both personally and professionally. I hope to document these travels, forcing myself to take the lead and share with my colleagues the whole world that is out there to understand and interact with.

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